Aminet 22
Aminet 22 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1997].iso
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Internet Message Format
From oracle-request Fri Jul 4 10:12:53 1997
Received: by sunos.cs.indiana.edu
(8.8.5/IUCS.1.77) id KAA11553; Fri, 4 Jul 1997 10:12:53 -0500 (EST)
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 1997 10:12:53 -0500 (EST)
From: "Internet Oracle" <oracle-request>
Message-Id: <199707041512.KAA11553@sunos.cs.indiana.edu>
X-Authentication-Warning: sunos.cs.indiana.edu: daemon set sender to oracle-request using -f
To: oracle-list
Subject: Internet Oracularities #918
Reply-To: oracle-vote
X-Face: )/f9dP<k\!g-'b`Sn!jD[[Y(T^=/)v/C&G-fO%mE+$oq#6H1k>AX/dU$1Z!U(/?A
X-Planation: X-Face can be viewed with ftp.cs.indiana.edu:/pub/faces.
From: "Steve Kinzler" <kinzler@cs.indiana.edu>
To find out all about the Internet Oracle, including how to participate,
send mail to oracle@cs.indiana.edu with the word "help" in the subject
Let us know what you like! Send your ratings of these 10 Oracularities
on an integer scale of 1 ("very poor") to 5 ("very good") with the
volume number to oracle-vote@cs.indiana.edu (probably just reply to this
message). For example:
2 1 3 4 3 5 3 3 4 1
913 107 votes 9gqmy 19wyv 59yzo 9jyuf byDg7 ztqc5 3fuFi 9uxpa 6xBm9 sEmc5
913 3.1 mean 3.5 3.8 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.3 3.5 3.0 3.0 2.3
--- 918-01 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: kirsten@spike.wellesley.edu (Kirsten Chevalier)
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> Oh Oracle most wise, I am rather suspicious of the Publishers Clearing
> House and Readers Digest and all these other places that have
> sweepstakes. Several times, I have sent off for their list of winners,
> in an attempt to verify that the sweepstakes are legitimate. But every
> time I try to call one of the $10,000,000 winners, I get a message from
> the phone company that "the number you have dialed has been changed to
> an unlisted number." I think they're all a scam, and they're trying to
> hide from me. Tell me, oh great one, is it so?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} Supplicant, it is even more sinister than you suspect. I do not
} share this knowledge with everyone, but in your case, because you
} asked, I know that you can be trusted. Let me turn you over now
} to my assistant, Fox Mulder.
} [The Oracle flips a switch and a teleconferencing screen emerges
} from the panelling. The TV comes on. Fix Mulder is standing in a
} smoky briefing room dimly lit by lowslung sunlight filtering
} through venetian blinds. Indiscinct figures sit in the
} background.]
} FM: Their Plan isn't obvious at first. It's supposed to look like
} a sweepstakes or a lottery. They get you to buy magazines. Good
} Housekeeping. Cosmopolitan. Men's Health. They get you to buy
} Reader's Digest. The content of this material that's then shipped
} to your house is subtly hypnotic. It gets to you. You find
} yourself believing things that make very little sense. They'll
} have you believe that floral print curtains look good, or that the
} quality of life is higher in the suburbs than in the country or
} the city, or that women want men who look like Fabio. I know.
} You're thinking that this is the norm. It's only this way because
} of the Master Plan.
} The Plan's failsafe mechanism is the sweepstakes. If you play
} their game and then one day wise up to them, you've become a
} danger, a threat. You have to be disposed of, and you have to be
} shown to be a heretic before all the true believers. It's a cross
} between sweeping you under the rug and burning you at the stake.
} They make it look like your big break, pictures with Ed McMahon, a
} big four foot long check with a big number on it... it's a check
} you can never cash. Your friends get to think you got rich and too
} good for them and moved away. Very convenient.
} I've been on this case for two months. Yes, against orders. But
} I know who is responsible. Always look to those who have the most
} to gain from others' ignorance, those who can lord their knowledge
} over others. Gentleman, the person resposible is the Internet
} O...
} [Click. The screen goes dark.]
} Oracle: Well, supplicant. That's about enough to give you the
} idea. So if I were you, I would rest assured that you called it
} right and stay away from those evil sweepstakes.
} BUT, I do have some good news for you. Look at this!
} [Noisemakers, flashing lights, confetti falls. Zadoc and a bevy
} of beautiful women enter the room.]
} Zadoc: Congratulations, Supplicant! You've asked the Oracle his
} one trillionth question! You've won ten million dollars and an
} all expenses paid trip to Delphi! And you don't owe the Oracle a
} thing! That's right! You can leave tomorrow. Here's your check.
} Here, we even bought you some great luggage. This Samsonite
} here's so big, why heck, you could almost fit yourself in it! Ha
} ha ha ha! And STRONG, too...
} [Fade to black. X-Files theme music plays.]
--- 918-02 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: Mark Lawrence <lawrence.4@osu.edu>
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> Oh wondrous Oracle, who MUST have a better answer for this than the
> last incarnation,
> Back in 1995, I bought the Pink Floyd "Pulse" CD set, and it was
> packaged in that box with the neat (at the time) little flashing light
> on the spine of the case. My problem is that the damn light is still
> blinking 2 years later! I keep my CDs in my bedroom, because that's
> the only place I can listen to them without disturbing others in
> the house. When I try to sleep, all I can see is this blasted little
> LED blinking on and off in the corner. I've tried turning it to face
> away from me, burying it under a mound of stuff, and so on--no luck.
> I thought about either putting a piece of duct tape over the light
> or ripping the LED and battery pack out, but I don't want to wreck
> the CD case. Any ideas on how I can get rid of this nagging problem?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} Dear Supplicant,
} The LED as you call it is in fact an extremely rare Rubicus-Insanicum
} or "Insane Ruby" as it is more comonly known.
} It is the result of allowing a crazy diamond to shine on for too long.
} The only known way to stop this phenomenon is to cover the offending
} gem with Tipp-ex and then colour it in to match that of the rest of the
} case.
} Wish you were here,
} Orrie
--- 918-03 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: Mark Lawrence <lawrence.4@osu.edu>
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> Oh great, wonderful, marvelous, magnificent, and omnipotent oracle
> whose prowess knows no limits, I humbly implore thee to answer my cry:
> What's wrong with this question?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} Hmm... Let's analyze it. "What's wrong with this question?" Aside
} from being self-referent, nothing... so far. So, let's try some other
} methods of analysis.
} Diagramming:
} What | is | wrong
} \with
} \__this question
} No. Looks Okay.
} Translate it into Oracle Scoring Speak (OSS):
} 59 18 11 30 28 33 28 25 24 17 33 19 30 18 30 18 19 28 27 31 15 29 30 19
} 25 24
} Yes, those are my measurements.
} Add it all up:
} 668
} Yes, that's exactly how much wood...
} Auf Deutch:
} Was ist los mit dieses Frage?
} Ja, es ist OK.
} In Mesopotamian:
} ...,, ,,...- ,.,.,, ..,..., ,.,.,.,,.,.-----|||?
} Ah ha!! It seems the answer is .,...,,-||..,
} You owe the Oracle the translation, and total of "War and Peace" into
} OSS.
--- 918-04 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: Mark McCafferty <markm@brisbane.sgi.com>
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> Oracle most quiet,
> Am I crazy?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} Ahhh...it's been a long time since i tackled a question as deeply
} nested and intrinsically convoluted as this one! First things first...
} The first level is Am, which is probably a westerniziation on the
} Hindish Om...which is, as we all should know, a measure of resistance
} to all things Spiritual (Om's law).
} The second level to the nested interogatory is I...another barely
} concealed misappropriation of the ancient Celtic Aye. Since the Celts
} used "Aye" mostly to indicate when their eyes were bleary from the
} unbridled consumption of too much stout mead, and to simultaneously
} request a refill, the I in the question roughly equivocates to Blind
} (as in blotto).
} And finally, the deepest level of the nest is expressed as crazy.
} This part is a bit tricky, but with some quiet analysis we see that
} crazy further dissembles into Cray and see. The allusions here are a
} little more obscure, all-the-more so due to their extreme seperation
} in timelike infinity. The "Cray" references a brand of modern super-
} computer, while the "see" most probably refers to the Papal See. Since
} the Vatican currently utilizes several Cray's to keep accurate track
} of tithes, "crazy", in this context, equates to the Pope's accountant.
} Therefore, the Oracle is now prepared to answer the REAL question...
} which now is seen to be:
} How much can a Spiritually Bankrupt blind Catholic accountant
} imbibe before mistaking the Pope for a Celtic beer stein?
} To which the Oracle shamlessly replies:
} About 3 cups of Sacramental wine.
} You owe the Oracle a bottle of Gallo & a box of Vanilla Wafers.
--- 918-05 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: "Rich McGee" <rmcgee@wiley.csusb.edu>
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> So , Orrie, that's it then, is it?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} Yes, and please don't make fun of it. I know it's a little small, but
} it's not size that matters, but the motion of the ocean. And it's also
} amazingly well kept. I clean it regularly, taking special care to
} scrape the mold off the sides.
} Now I'll beg you never to speak of my aquarium again.
} You owe the Oracle a bottom feeder.
--- 918-06 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: kirsten@spike.wellesley.edu (Kirsten Chevalier)
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> Hey, Orrie, tell me why you have such a h**d-on for my husband. He's a
> perfectly nice guy. Just because he's rich and successful, and has
> made life easier for millions of hardworking people all over the world,
> you'd think he's some kind of criminal. > Why, you should just see him
> around the house, puttering around with his little maps and pushpins,
> and dressing up in that cute little uniform. And he spends hours
> every day talking to our son--well, actually, just muttering, but the
> baby just loves it> . Anyway, he's great, so why can't you just leave
> him alone?
> Sincerely,
> Mrs. Bill Gates
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} Because he's performed an illegal operation and must be shut down.
} If this problem persists, I'll send *him* to contact his vendor.
} You owe the Oracle a port of MS Office '97 for Linux.
--- 918-07 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: kirsten@spike.wellesley.edu (Kirsten Chevalier)
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> Wise and wonderful Oracle who knows all there has ever been to know,
> Does 1 + 1 really equal 3 for large values of 1?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} I think that you should call Intel about the Pentium
} replacement program.
} You owe the oracle an SGI Octane, and an SGI Octane.
} Ship all three to me directly.
--- 918-08 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: kirsten@spike.wellesley.edu (Kirsten Chevalier)
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> My dad is buying cows, but he isn't a landwirt.
> Why?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} Do you want them to hear you foolish supplicant??? I mean, just cause
} you're not immortal and intelligent...well... Oh geez... You don't
} see them, do you?
} Oh man! How can you humans be so stupid!! It's right in front
} of you! Do you think that episode of the Outer Limits was a lie!?!?!?
} The cows have taken over three continents, and all you foolish humans
} can do is sit around at Mc Donalds and eat the beings you should be
} shooting by the dozens.
} If you don't believe me just watch any news broadcast and you
} will see how little attention is paid to these forest sucking cows!
} Any animal who burps and part of the planet is destroyed is a
} terrible enemy...
} What's that? Your dad is buying cows???
} Either that, or your dad just wants to raise cows.
} You Owe the Oracle 50 acres of rainforest to raise a genetic cattle
} changing ranch on.
--- 918-09 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: Otis Viles <cierhart@ic.net>
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> Dear Mr. oracle,
> My I please have some more?
> -O.
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} Help yourself.
} You owe the Oracle a vodka martini, with a twist.
--- 918-10 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: kirsten@spike.wellesley.edu (Kirsten Chevalier)
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> Mighty and meaty Oracle, please help me out here.
> I see that the patch to keep corrupt ICMP messages from crashing
> Windows NT/95 systems via the TCP/IP stack has finally become
> available.
> What other patches to known problems is Microsoft working on?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
} Bill Gates has authorised the product research team to develop the
} first self-producing computers. These computers, attached to the
} factory production line, will then be able to take over the entire
} plant from design to final delivery, distribution of the goods,
} marketing, helpdesk support and basic maintenance. By reducing the
} staff to a minimum (one), taxation, insurance and bathroom costs will
} now be almost entirely eliminated.
} The ultra-secret product research team have been given their own hidden
} base for this development. The project is currently known as the
} Computer Bill Gates, or colloquially by its initials - Ka Ba Ja.
} Although the details are not being released for some time, MS sources
} say that the creation of these new machines is not unlike a birth. More
} news will be forthcoming from the Ka Ba Ga Patch as it comes.
} You owe the Oracle a Strawberry Shortcake doll.
From oracle-request Tue Jul 8 09:37:42 1997
Received: by sunos.cs.indiana.edu
(8.8.5/IUCS.1.77) id JAA21774; Tue, 8 Jul 1997 09:37:42 -0500 (EST)
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 09:37:42 -0500 (EST)
From: "Internet Oracle" <oracle-request>
Message-Id: <199707081437.JAA21774@sunos.cs.indiana.edu>
X-Authentication-Warning: sunos.cs.indiana.edu: daemon set sender to oracle-request using -f
To: oracle-list
Subject: Internet Oracularities #919
Reply-To: oracle-vote
X-Face: )/f9dP<k\!g-'b`Sn!jD[[Y(T^=/)v/C&G-fO%mE+$oq#6H1k>AX/dU$1Z!U(/?A
X-Planation: X-Face can be viewed with ftp.cs.indiana.edu:/pub/faces.
From: "Steve Kinzler" <kinzler@cs.indiana.edu>
To find out all about the Internet Oracle, including how to participate,
send mail to oracle@cs.indiana.edu with the word "help" in the subject
Let us know what you like! Send your ratings of these 10 Oracularities
on an integer scale of 1 ("very poor") to 5 ("very good") with the
volume number to oracle-vote@cs.indiana.edu (probably just reply to this
message). For example:
2 1 3 4 3 5 3 3 4 1
914 104 votes 7otya 5mFnd 4aExh ofxie 3crJh dyyf8 irvia 8itxg svqa9 8euwk
914 3.1 mean 3.2 3.2 3.5 2.8 3.6 2.7 2.8 3.3 2.4 3.4
--- 919-01 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: Mark Lawrence <lawrence.4@osu.edu>
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> Wise oracle, you see all, you know all, tell me
> Australian Rules Football......What's that all about then?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} It's not really hard. It's just like regular American football,
} except that lateral passes by the receiving team must be made in
} inverse fashion between two players of rank halfback or greater
} (but not the quarterback!) during the fourth and fifth downs, and in
} normal, reciprocating, fashion during first and third downs, except
} when a conversion has caused the "Second Interception Rule" to come
} into effect, which generally means that the alternate linemen are
} taken out of play for two minutes or until the designated hitter of
} the home team receives two or more qualifying fouls before the end
} of regulation play. And the opposite for kickoffs, of course.
} You owe the Oracle a copy of the new rulebook.
--- 919-02 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: kirsten@spike.wellesley.edu (Kirsten Chevalier)
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> Oracle, who is most clever and all that, knowing pretty much everything
> there is to know etc etc, generally speaking a bit of a brainy box, you
> know?
> Can you tell me just how much NASA have spent getting that thing to the
> planet Mars and just what do they expect to find there ?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} Actually, you'll be pleased to know the answer is - not a cent of
} public money. The program is being funded in line with a new government
} policy to cut taxes, which is that funds are to raised through
} soul-bartering. It goes like this:
} Dan Goldin, NASA Administrator: Damn, it's going to cost a couple of
} mill to get this little toy buggy thing to Mars. I'd sell my soul for
} the space program!
} *puff of smoke*
} The Devil (looking like Ned Flanders): That can be arranged!
} Goldin: Satan? You'll give me the money?
} The Devil: Sure, sign this paper.
} Goldin: (reads, and signs) "To The Prince Of Darkness, in exchange for
} a space program, One Soul".
} The Devil: ... And here's the cash! See you in hell!
} Impressed with the efficiency of this plan, other levels of government
} have been joining in:
} Bill Clinton: Damn, those Republicans are going to eat me alive if I
} can't balance the budget. And the courts are going to roast me over
} that Paula chick. I'd sell my soul to be out of this mess!
} *puff of smoke*
} The Devil: That can be arranged!
} Clinton: Satan? Gee, thems pointy horns!
} The Devil: Sign on the dotted line.
} Clinton: (reads, then signs) "To The Prince of Darkness, in exchange
} for one balanced budget and one not so messy court case, My Soul"
} The Devil: Aha! This is fun! See you in hell!
} Other prominent leaders are trying it too:
} Bill Gates: Hey, I *could* be richer! I'd sell my soul for a total
} stranglehold on the world!
} *no puff of smoke. A sinister voice floats up through the floorboards:
} Doesn't work twice, Bill!
} You owe the Oracle ... your heart and mind, supplicant. (evil laugh)
--- 919-03 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: Christophe <xof@chanticleer.com>
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> Oh Oracle most wise,
> Take pity on your poor supplicant,
> who is too base and putrid to even ask the Great Oracleness
> this question:
> How many lines of code,
> Would a Microsoft programmer code,
> If a Microsoft Programmer
> could write debuged code?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} Hi. Welcome back to HackChat. We're talking today with a Microsoft
} programmer who wishes to remain anonymous. I'm your host, The
} Internet Oracle, and this hour is brought to you by, um, Microsoft--
} makers of all your software needs for today, the year 2000, and
} beyond.
} Microsoft Programmer: (wiping nose on sleeve) Hi.
} Just before the break, a poetically inclined caller wanted to know
} how many lines of debugged code you could write.
} MP: Oh, tons, I suppose.
} Really?
} MP: Depends on what you mean by debugged.
} Let's simplify things and define that as meaning the program will
} operate, say, correctly.
} MP: Oh.
} Well?
} MP: I can almost guarantee that little boxes will pop up on cue every
} time.
} You mean according to my cue, right?
} MP: (chuckles) God no. Ours. But since I wrote the program, I'd know
} better as to when the little boxes...
} Wait. You do understand that there's more at stake here than the
} interface, right? Like whether the program does what it's supposed
} to do?
} MP: How can a consumer know what it's supposed to do without
} actually having written it?
} Well, when you buy something expecting it to do what's written
} on the box...
} MP: Oh, you'd have to talk to marketing about that. I can't accept
} responsibility for package design...
} Let me start over. Say you've written a program. What steps do
} you take to ensure the code has been debugged before releasing
} it?
} MP: I'm not sure I follow....
} Okay, Internet Explorer 4.0 is currently in beta testing, right? What
} is being done with the bug reports that--
} MP: I worked on that one! You can get web content delivered right
} to your desktop!
} As opposed to having to undergo the laborious chore of clicking a
} button...that's certainly worth half a hard drive.
} MP: You bet!
} I was being sarcastic.
} MP: Being what?
} Sarcastic.
} MP: If that's a Mac program I can't really comment...
} Okay. I'm way tired of this. <ZOT!>
} You owe the Oracle a course in LINUX and a non-formulaic ending.
--- 919-04 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: kirsten@spike.wellesley.edu (Kirsten Chevalier)
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> To Whom it may concern.
> My clients, the Wood Chuck Protection Board (WCPB) are very upset by
> the lack of care to the furry quadropeds so unfairly mistreated by you,
> the "Internet" Oracle.
> You are being charged with slander, deciet, hatred to Wood Chucks,
> misappropriations of the truth on Wood Chucks, and denying the needs of
> Wood Chucks to Chuck wood.
> If this continues further the WCPB will be forced to take legal action
> against you.
> Sincerely,
> W. Chuck.
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} Dear Mr. Chuck, Chairman of the Board of Fools,
} Unfortunately the WCPB cannot be taken seriously. I, as the supreme
} Oracle, am aware that WCPB is actually an acronym derived from a one
} letter displacement to the left, on the 'qwerty' keyboard, from the
} famed woodchuck EVAN. Any self-respecting omniscient being cannot
} accept an agency cunningly named for a woodchuck who would wander about
} in the woods and, dare I say it, 'chuck wood.'
} You see, although Evan was a nice little woodchuck, as they go, he
} had his heart set on tossing timber. Trees were meant to stay where I
} place them--they make good tooth picks for me after a hearty meal.
} Regardless, I know that one time, long ago, Evan attempted to 'chuck
} wood' and this inspired an entire race of wood 'chuckers.' I, as the
} supreme Oracle, have the power to correct this terrible turn in the
} evolutionary process. I will eradicate the world of woodchucks!
} Therefore, it is imperative that you make copies of the attached
} file and make sure that every member of your Board signs and is in full
} agreement with the contract. Thank you.
} The Internet Oracle
} P.S. Incidentally, How can an agency designed to protect what you
} call 'innocent' creatures, not know that "quadropeds" is spelled, not
} that way, but rather, quadrupeds? Thanks again.
} P.P.S I expect never to hear from you again.
} File Attachment: signorbezotted.txt
} ----- CONTRACT 13a "Woodchuck Extermination" -----
} I, ________, hereby declare that woodchucks are in fact, not
} sentient life forms and are a mistake of mother nature. However, I
} realize that she can be forgiven of her sins by weeding out the genetic
} mishap that so long ago produced marmota monax, better know as
} woodchuck.
} I, ________, realize that by my signing this contract I am
} guaranteeing the safety of not only the world, but also of myself as a
} humble supplicant. I also am aware that by my willful signing, I am
} protecting both myself and my family from being ZOTTED.
} I, ________, hereby declare that I am not being forced to sign this.
} I realize that if I do not I will be burnt into a smoking mass of
} charred flesh. This, however, is not contributing to my signature. I
} want to sign. Therefore, I, _______, am going to.
} I, ________, also declare that I do not endorse the friendship with,
} the furthering of, or in anyway, the continued existence of any
} creature that is involved in any of the following:
} - Chucking Wood,
} - Tossing Timber,
} - Shooting Spruce,
} - Tumbling Trees,
} - Pitching Pines ,
} - Casting Conifers,
} - Pushing Palms,
} - Dislodging Deciduous,
} - Moving Maples,
} - Flipping Firs,
} - Discarding Dogwoods,
} - Shoving Sequoia,
} - Overcoming an Occasional Oak,
} - Slamming Cedars,
} - Hurling Hemlocks,
} - Shaking Cypress,
} - Launching Larch,
} - Accelerating Alders,
} - Blasting Birch,
} - Agitating Acacia,
} - Breaking Bonsai,
} - Heaving Hawthorns,
} - Propelling Perennials
} - Impelling Ivy,
} - Wasting Willows,
} - Pressing Poplar,
} - Ejecting Ebony,
} - Ramming Redwoods,
} - Beating Bushes
} and/or
} - Hauling Hazels,
} I, _______, agree with all of the preceding. I am no longer an
} advocate of any animal belonging to the marmota species.
} _________ (please print)
} _________ (sign here)
--- 919-05 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: kirsten@spike.wellesley.edu (Kirsten Chevalier)
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> Oh Oracle most wise, whose management skills are beyond compare,
> please tell me:
> How can I get my staff to come to work on time? I've tried jokes,
> bribery, & threats, but none of them work. What should I do?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} Funny, but I don't recall the jokes. The bribery was good, but I never
} saw the money. For some reason all I seem to have received were the
} threats and those big whacks over the head, which are still affecting
} my memory. And as long as I don't see those other things, I will get to
} work when I Damned well please.
} How about some PAY? THAT might work. Or didn't you think of it?
} But seriously: when someone tries to work hard but doesn't so much as
} get coherent, clear, English instructions, much less anything else,
} they tend to dislike the job. And that's the EMPLOYER'S fault.
} I don't know about others (actually I do because I'm The Oracle, but
} it's a common phrase), but whenever someone tries to coerce me into
} doing something by saying "You will do this OR ELSE!", I just won't do
} it. Period. Screw the consequences. Even if it is something I can
} easily do. This is not stubbornness, it is a form of self-defense.
} An ex-POW gave this advice: "If they give you lined paper, write across
} the lines. If they offer you a seat, prefer to stand." There was more,
} but you get the idea.
} On the other hand, if I have a clear, understandable contract, and I
} get the pay I contracted for, and the people are helpful and friendly,
} I will do my best. But I will see some pay or I won't work. Or at least
} I won't do the work you want me to do.
} And I have news for you: NOBODY else is even remotely qualified for
} THIS job.
} You still owe The Oracle - big time.
--- 919-06 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: Mark Lawrence <lawrence.4@osu.edu>
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> "Go over what the abbot said again," said the first programmer, as he
> nudged his burro down the mountain path. "I still don't understand why
> those monks need a Mark V out here in the middle of nowhere."
> "He said," replied the second programmer, after a distant pause,
> "that they were programming the machine to be a question generator.
> That it would save them centuries of work, by generating all the
> possible questions you could ask the Internet Oracle in a matter of
> days."
> "But why bother? What's the point?"
> "They think that once the Oracle has answered all possible questions,
> mankind will have fulfilled its purpose and the universe will end."
> "Those nutty monks." The first programmer shook his head as he made
> his way down the trail, putting distance between himself and the
> monastery.
> In the Mark V's control room the acolytes pedaled furiously at their
> bicycles, providing electricity for the great machine. A fanfold
> printout emerged from the depths of its circuitry, tended carefully by
> the monks:
> Q# 9205849463:
> Q# 9205849464:
> Q# 9205849465:
> Q# 9205849466:
> Q# 9205849467:
> The monks gathered around the machine in eager anticipation of the
> 9205849468th (and, according to their painstaking calculations, last)
> question. The acolytes pedaled faster.
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} Zadoc, it appears we've stumbled on another IBM commercial:
} [Two monks are sitting in front of a cafe on the French Riviera]
} Monk #1: Hruffa, Szelek. Balasssoasmattacar. Wi con I B M macinadora.
} <Hruffa, shut up. I know what I'm doing. I should be using the
} IBM machines.>
} Monk #2: Wahayyata, Juan Valdez ni kai na ya vava baker.
} <No way, Juan Valdez would object.>
} Monk #1: Waralla, wish wish basu basa. Zweekar sarovar Juan Valdez si
} kayallat...
} <Juan valdez is dead. His coffee is ground, if you know what I
} mean...>
} Monk #2: Karakozka; dragnoyarsk'in krepertallen. Yuwaswissah swagat.
} <I'll have no part in this; Soup only tastes good when boiled.
} Goodbye.>
} Monk #1: Arra'tanaka biddun! Yu-Shi harakatallih 1-800-IBMSUCK?
} You will...
} <You idiot! Have you ever called 1-800-IBMSUCK? You will...>
} [Scene changes. Two monks, naked as nature, one behind the other...
} ^D
} Transmission Error. Download failed.
--- 919-07 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: Darkmage <DAVIS@wehi.edu.au>
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> > > > > > > > > > > meow
> >
> > > > > > > > > > Meow!
> >
> > > > > > > > > me0w
> >
> > > > > > > > meow!!!
> >
> > > > > > > MEOW
> >
> > > > > > meow
> >
> > > > > Meow!!!
> >
> > > > m3ow !!!
> >
> > > Meow.
> >
> > meow
> Meow!
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} The Question is:
} What is sound of one cat falling down the stairs?
} You owe the Oracle a guest spot on Jeopardy.
--- 919-08 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: kirsten@spike.wellesley.edu (Kirsten Chevalier)
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> Oh Oracle,
> Could you do that agin?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} Sure.
} Being omniscient, I do happen to know the actual 'agin' you want today
} is the one from Roget's Internatinal Thesaurus, so there we go:
} <skipping items .1 - .9>
} .10 PREPS
} opposed to, adverse to, counter to, in opposition to, in conflict with,
} at cross-purposes with;
} against, agin [dial], dead against, athwart;
} versus, vs.;
} con, contra, face to face with, vis-a-vis [Fr].
} You owe the Internet a bit more reluctance in the usage of dialect.
} It can be confusing and hinders the spread of English as a Lingua
} Franca.
--- 919-09 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: Mike Nolan <nolan@celery.tssi.com>
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> Oh mighty internet oracle of the far off land of indiana.edu. Whose
> mastery of visual basic leaves Bill Gates grovelling, who can out think
> Deep Blue, who can code C++ faster than GNU, whose VRML web pages make
> picasso look like a 3 year-old with crayons, I ask the following
> question.
> Why can't Wile E. Coyote ever catch the Road Runner?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} Wile is running in Windows.
--- 919-10 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Selected-By: Mike Nolan <nolan@celery.tssi.com>
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> Oh Oracle most wise.
> What does the monsters under my bed keep disapearing when i look for
> them ? Everytime i crawl under the bed with a gun or a baseball bat
> they simply are gone. Still i can hear them gnawing and gnawing all
> through the night. They are after me, I know it ! What can i do.
> I have even tried dynamite.
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} Why get rid of them? Adopt them. Domesticate them. Train them to guard
} your house.
} Would you burgle a house patrolled by monsters?